AMK - Year 100-1

Kingdom Afar

Year 100

Gowon, Beckett, Johnson2, Musa

"Well you saw her, she needs a good home mom.."
"Yes she does. I will talk to your father about it and we will see what we can do. We are ONLY working class Vitomir."

The family was relaxing easy after there journey to meet an orphan girl. There mother was cooking, the boys were laughing it was peaceful on this cold spring day. 

The door bells dings and everyone looks at one another trying to figure out who that could be. Bernard peeks around the corner to see it is his granddaughter and her new husband. Natalija rushes to the door to greet her beloved and beautiful grand daughter while Bernard goes upstairs to play his violin. 

It wasn't that he didn't like his granddaughter, if he could even call her that, it was that she wasn't actually apart of his bloodline so he never took the chance to get to know her. His wife was a plant sim.When they got married she had her plant baby which was his 'first born' Silvaj. This was Silvajs daughter. 

And though he knew Silvaj wasn't his he did love her dearly, how could you not, she was the sweetest woman he had ever met. 

His granddaughter though, she only cared about one thing and that was status. Where did Silvaj go wrong? Bernard couldn't tell you but he knew he didn't care for the woman one bit. 

The girls were on the porch making more noise then was necessary, they were talking, more like gossiping, about neighborhood politics. 

Nenad had headed to the library to study a bit when he saw his cousin and her husband. He couldn't stand Darren, matter of fact no one in the family could. He was a weird man that didn't respect anybody or anything. 

The library closed though and Nenad was forced to head back home. Upon arriving he sees Darren is still there, sitting in his favorite chair nonetheless. Nenad goes off. 

Finally, 15 minutes before midnight the two leave and the family can go back to enjoying there peace. Or moreover Vit could talk his dad's ear off about the girl that needed to be adopted. 

Back home the couple discuss what just happen at Bisera's grandmothers house. 
"Baby you need to learn to be more respectful. They would LOVE you if you showed them the side I get to see."
"Bis.. No offense but I just don't care for your family. I married you, not them. And as far as I'm concerned only one person gets to see this side of me." [wink]
Bisera laughs at her husbands nonsense but she leaves it alone. He was right, her family were a bunch of judgmental pricks. 

The couple was cooking breakfast when they heard a knock at the door. 
"Bis, are you expecting someone?"
"No, are you?"
Darren heads to the door to check who it was and sees it's his grandmother in law. He calls out for Bisera and she comes to the door to see her grandmother. 

"My dream. I wanted to talk to you and your husband if you both have a second."
"Of course."

Darren comes outside and Natalija apologizes to them both about her families behavior. 
"Thank you for that Mrs. Gowon."
"Of course. I want everyone to try to get along and the first step is accountability."
Darren heard the jab but he left it alone. She had a point. 

Natalija stayed for a bit and ate with them but she soon made her goodbyes. Bisera had been feeling very sick lately. She had called her mom about it and her mom suggested pregnancy. After a quick test Bisera learned she was indeed pregnant. This excited her. She couldn't wait to be a mom. 

"Baby I have some exciting news."
"We are pregnant!!!"

Over to the Peasants Johnson2, Janko was making lunch for himself and his wife. He hated his lot in life, his wife, meadow, deserved so much more then this. 
Janko had applied to university to hopefully get a better job but so far he hadn't been accepted. He knew why, Peasants and working class didn't go to college. 

Janko could hear his wife outside talking to his step dad. She had one of those voices that carried and she was so full of life. 
[talking about her lot in life]

It wasn't long though before his step father said his goodbyes and the two went on to do their chores. Meadow heads to the pond to fish up some food for dinner, meawhile Janko was at his easal painting a picture. 

Meadow had a plan though. She watched her husband bust his ass day in and out and she was tired of being a poor peasant. She looks up information about witchcraft. 
She became obsessed, learning everything she could and even forgetting to sleep most nights. 

The day had finally come, Meadow felt as though she had enough information to go hunting. She stops at the local bar in glimmerbrook and the bartender tells her the portal is in the woods.
"You just tell anyone and everyone where it is?"
"Yeah, why not? If someone wants to go get lost in the forest that's not my problem."

Meadow goes running around in the forest for half the night before she finally comes upon it. Her eyes light up and she gets newfound energy. 

[explains why she wants to be a witch]

"Those are valid reasons child. I will give you the gift but you must work very hard. I will cast this one spell for you. After I do this, when you return home your husband and you life will change forever. 

And work Meadow did. 

By the end of the day Meadow had learned one new spell. A fire spell. This would come in handy for the winter months she thought. 

After a day gone Meadow returns home to her husband sitting at the desk with a notebook out. 
"What's that my love?"
With a small smile Meadow kisses her husbands head and goes into the kitchen to make him some food. It wouldn't be long now until she was no long Peasant Meadow


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