AMK - Year 102 - Part 2

The peeping tom dies right on the Johnson lot Spring of 102

Darren and Silvaj both feel really really bad about it. I don't understand why but they are beautiful souls. 

Stan and Marija start a club for the kids of Kingdom Afar. They invite all of their friends to join but it is only for Children. When someone becomes a teen they are out of the club. 

There mother told them the only way to have a club though was they had to do their homework too. So both kids made that apart of the rules and now they have A's in school. 

"Stop staring at me and do your homework!"
"I'm so bored sis. I just want to start my life already."

Marija choices to go to her friends birthday party over hanging out with her Uncle. 

Stan becomes best friends with his mom. 

Marija kicks out her good friend from the group as he is now a teenager. 

We check in with the Noblemen that took Michael from Janko. He is an actor that makes really great money..

But he hates children. Absolutely hates them.

"Hey... Kid. We are going on an adventure so lets start WALKING."

The noblemen delivers the little boy to his mother with hast. He was fine with the kid while his wife was alive but now that she was dead he just wanted the kid gone!


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